ECOT is a dedicated entity focused on capitalizing the growth of Industry 4.0 and in that also contributes towards the same revolution. ECOT is not merely a training company but also a solution provider with active involvement as a R&D partner (with academia and industry players).

ECOT also provides consultancy related services focused on developing, managing and providing TALENTS for companies (mainly in the manufacturing domain) thriving in the Industry 4.0 environment. ECOT hopes to expand its programme portfolio and in that paperwork and documentation are being developed to include more capabilities to its current set of accreditations and industrial based endorsements.

Our Vision

To establish long term relationships within various industries by providing Industrial Revolution 4.0 solutions that meet and exceed our client demands.

Cyber Security

We understand many companies still rely on management and production systems that are unconnected or closed. With the increased connectivity and use of standard communications protocols that come with Industry 4.0, the need to protect critical industrial systems and manufacturing lines from cybersecurity threats increases dramatically.

As a result, secure, reliable communications as well as sophisticated identity and access management of machines and users are essential.

Retail Empowerment Programme

ECOT has developed a comprehensive training programme exclusively for TMG; 10 days spread over a period of 5 – 6 weeks. The training design is to equip our learning partners, with the latest know-how on how to build “that” extra essentials to win within the given ecosystem of retailing. Our trainings were originally designed to be as “weekend” breakouts (classes only on weekdays) with the idea to TRANSFORM, MANAGE & GALVANIZE TMG’s human capital with new-age RETAIL thinking and competencies